Sunday 31 August 2008

Lucrative Residual Income - What Lucrative Residual Income Could Mean to You and Your Family

What is it about Lucrative Residual Income that attracts so much interest?
You see it everyday, people who kiss their spouses and kids good bye before heading off to trade their time and energy for often meager compensation. Millions of people pursue our dreams by selling their personal time, (some even working 2 or more jobs), in exchange for the means of providing a prosperous future for their families while also reaching for the dreams we all have for a better life.
Given the current climate of economic uneasiness, there are thousands of people searching everyday for a better way. With the rising Gas, Food, Medical and everyday living expenses eating into a huge part of our earning potential many are searching for a way up.
In steps the lure of generating Lucrative Residual Income.
Anyone who has any computer experience knows of the power being unleashed by the Internet. This new information age is quickly changing how tens of thousands of us are now able to generate a life changing income. In today's world of instant connection with almost anyone, anywhere on the planet, new marketing opportunities abound and along with them so does the potential for generating a Lucrative Residual Income.
Caution; choosing between finding another Job or Going to Work for yourself is not as easy as many would think.
For many, the fear of failure keeps them from ever even trying. (But you can never fail if you never try.)
Others lack the motivation needed to succeed, for them having a boss looking over their shoulder will be a life long necessity.
Then there are always the well meaning friends and family telling us why it won't work. (Unable to step out for themselves they often unknowingly conspire to hold everyone around them back based from their own fears.)
Now don't get me wrong blundering into the first opportunity that comes along or doing so on a whim is not likely to generate much success either.
Success requires some key elements in order to work.
1. The Product: does it appeal to the public, is it in demand, and could you see yourself and others buying/using it.
2. The Compensation: Lucrative Residual Income means being paid for your collective efforts without the need to constantly be recruiting new prospects into the opportunity.
3. Team support/training: be sure to speak with your potential sponsor(s) to determine the help you will be receiving once you become involved. A good training program and coach will ease your transition to being successful.
Take your time, do your homework, Google search any Lucrative Residual Income selections you find, look deeply into every aspect of the business model, ask hard questions of those presenting the opportunity, get the complete details before putting your energy into any new business venture.
Lucrative Residual Income generation is proving a real solution for thousands. But don't fall for the hype and fluff that is so common in today's world of Cyber space. You can make a huge difference for yourself and your family, I see it everyday in those willing to step up, take charge of their fear, and move past the limitations we all harbor within

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